Now that states are easing lock downs, many of us who have been staying indoors and yearning for a vacation currently face the question …. How do we travel in the age of Covid?  The answer to that question may include spending more time researching and organizing details in the planning phase of your trip.

You may want to create a trip board on Pinterest to pin informative websites or, if you’re still a pen and paper kind of person, jot down notes in one notebook so all your details are in one place.

We all research the typical topics related to travel – accommodations, travel method (by plane or car), places to eat and attractions.  But, this time around, you may need to add a subcategory to each of those topics – Restrictions.

Even though destinations are opening, that doesn’t mean that everything will go back to a pre-Covid state.  Many establishments are opening up with new guidelines and restrictions.  So how do you plan for this new reality?  The ideas below will hopefully help reduce the stress of planning your next getaway.

State/Country Restrictions

For domestic travel, each state is on a different timetable for easing corona-virus restrictions; therefore, if you are planning out of state travel, you will have to do your due diligence to research state and local websites for details on restrictions that may still be in place.  If you are traveling internationally, you should check your destination location for any travel advisories and restrictions.  There may be some locations that still expect people to self-isolate upon arrival.

Woman in wearing mask flying in the airplaine. Felling temperature.

Airlines/Cruise Lines

Now, more than ever, it will be important to read the fine print when booking travel reservations.  Be sure to check the cancellation policies for hotels, airlines, travel sites, etc.  Check airport websites to see what current procedures they are implementing for arrivals and departures.


If you are concerned about the cleanliness of hotels, call them before booking and ask about their cleaning schedules and procedures.  If you are staying at the same hotel for multiple nights, you can ask to forego housekeeping services to limit the number of people entering your room during your stay.  Also ask about food service procedures.  Those continental breakfasts that many of us look forward to may not be offered.

Attractions/Dining Out

Most attractions and events are still closed or canceled.  So, when picking a specific destination, be sure to research the local events and attractions to see when they plan to reopen.  You should also ask them about any restrictions they will be enacting.  There’s nothing fun about spending time and money to travel to a great destination just to find out all the fun activities are closed or the experience is altered due to restrictions in place.

Due to social distancing guidelines, you may have to wait for seating at restaurants, so account for extra time to eat meals when planning out your day.

Packing for Trip

There are some essentials you might consider packing in addition to the normal items you throw in your suitcase.  You probably want hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes at the top of that list.  Some may choose to pack a mask, disposable gloves, and disposable plastic bags.  The disinfecting wipes will be helpful whether or on plane, a train, a bus or in a cab or hotel to wipe down “high touch” surfaces.

If you are opting to drive instead of fly, remember some rest areas are open for restroom facilities but not offering food sales.  So, be sure to pack food and drinks for the ride or take advantage of drive thru and take out dining.

As you are traveling to your destination, and even once you get there, you will want easy access to your hand sanitizer and wipes for frequent hand hygiene needs.  This is where a purse, tote or day pack with external pockets will come in handy, so you can grab the sanitizer before your son touches his face after running his hand all along that dirty handrail.

And finally, when you are ready and able to travel, be sure to have fun and know that a little extra planning up front may help keep you and your family safe!

By: Karen Kabara

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