I like to use the STACK method for our clients because it’s simple, easy to follow and it works on almost any organizing project.

S – Sort: The first step is to sort your items into categories.  You’ll want to put like items with like items, (paints with paints, pencils with pencils, etc.).  This will tell you how much stuff you actually have in any one category.

T – Toss: Once you know how much stuff you have it’s time to take stock and toss any items that you don’t use, are outdated or unusable. I suggest that you keep only what you love or need.  Tossing can be anything from throwing in the garbage to donating or selling an item.

A – Assign a Home: This is the part of the process that is like putting together a puzzle.  Finding just the right space for your items is part of the creative process.

Think about how you use the items.

Think about where you use the items.

Think about how often you use the items.

C – Contain: Containerize any items that are possible and feasible to contain. It will help make items easier to find and store. Label, when necessary, especially those items with closed tops. Keep the systems you choose as simple as possible.  If you have items that you rarely use and don’t want to get dusty, then using a storage container with a closed top is a good choice; however, if you have supplies that you use frequently, then an open top container may be a better choice.

K – Keep It Up: This may involve building new habits if necessary and practicing putting items away after they’re used.

It’s easy to get stuck in your own space with organizing projects. If you are stuck, please call or email for a free consult!

Darla Pompilio

Your Tasks Our Time