SimplifyUse Systems That Fit Your Life

Make sure your organizing systems fit the life that you are living now; not the life you used to live and not the life you plan on living in the future. Using the same organizing systems you had in college to manage your home is most likely not going to work. The rule of thumb is that you always want to focus on function first followed by aesthesis.

Sort by Categories or How You Use an Item

The truth is that organizing is basically a sorting process. Sort items by categories (like with like) and/or by how you use them.  Items that are used together should be stored together.  For example, if you are wrapping a present, you don’t want to have to go to one room for scissors, another for tape and yet another for wrapping paper.

Use the Right Tools

Containerize, containerize, containerize where possible and feasible.  A Proper container allows you to keep track of items, store them easier and makes things easier to use.

Purge Regularly

We are constantly bombarded with items coming into our homes and paper is the worst.  There’s mail, the kids school papers, work papers and the list never ends.  Consistent purging is one of the keys to staying organized.

Ask for Help

You don’t have to do everything yourself. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it.  Delegate tasks or hire people to do the work your not good at or don’t want to do.

Evaluate Frequently and Honestly

The one constant in life is change.  Be flexible, life is always evolving and your systems will need to evolve as your life changes.

By: Darla Pompilo

Your Tasks – Our Time, Inc